I have always been a fan of eating good food. So once I decided to switch to a healthier lifestyle of eating right and getting proper exercise I’ve been on the lookout for tasty treats that will help me keep my sanity and not give in to the temptation of unhealthy foods. I’ve probably tried virtually every protein bar on the market and could write a book on each of them. Some of them were pretty good and some of them I almost got sick to my stomach by just opening up the wrapper. I came across this unique bar called the Muscle Sandwich by Costas Foods. I do like having muscles and boy do I love a good sandwich so I bought one to try it out. I checked over the ingredients and found that it had 290 calories. That is a good amount because I exercise pretty hard in the gym and need to keep up my calories to maintain my strength. It also had 16 grams of fat, which is pretty low but is enough to give it a great taste. Muscle Sandwich also lived up to its name by offering 13 grams of muscle building protein.