For the last 15 years I’ve been involved with exercise and nutrition varying degrees. At times I’ve been in great shape with a body fat percentage as low as 5% and others where I let myself go and my body fat went as high as 25%. In high school I weighed in at a 130 pounds dripping wet. In college I got up to over 200 pounds, which is obese for some of my height (5’7”). I finally decided to get serious again about nutrition and exercise again and am proud to say I weigh in at a buff 170 pounds with 6% body fat. I could attribute it all to me working my butt off in the gym but that wouldn’t be true. A lot of my success goes to utilizing Multi Pro Whey protein by IDS. I’ve tried a ton of different protein powders over the years and there are just as many bad ones as there are good. The reason IDS Multi Pro Whey is different is because of what the pros at IDS put into the formula.