I’m a single mom with three kids and it’s hard staying on top of their health let alone mine. I’ve got a friend Janice who is this super mom type and one day she introduced me to her secret to staying healthy. Her secret, as she calls it, is one of the best protein bars on the market called the Oh Yeah Bar by ISS.
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Oh Yeah Bar, ISS
Friday, October 30th, 2009Tags: ISS, Oh Yeah Bar
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Oh Yeah Wafers, ISS
Wednesday, October 28th, 2009At the company I work at we’ve decided to enter into the weight loss challenge as an entire department. When you work in accounting as I do there’s not a lot of action and you spend the entire day pouring over spreadsheets and financial statements at your desk. For me, and most of my colleagues, this type of work is mentally rewarding and challenging but physically it has lead to a disaster.
Tags: ISS, Oh Yeah Wafers
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Power Crunch, Bionutritional
Tuesday, October 27th, 2009As a personal trainer I’ve seen it all when it comes to nutritional supplements that claim to be the best. I’m from the school of thought that talk is cheap and results are the way that any product or service should be evaluated. People are always asking me what supplements I use and what ones I recommend. Ever since I became a personal trainer I’ve been on a quest to find a good tasting protein bar that also packed some nutritional punch.
Tags: Bionutritional, Power Crunch
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Rockin Roll Bar, Labrada
Saturday, October 24th, 2009As a mother and small business owner I don’t have a lot of time to make sure I get the proper nutrition. But just because I run a PR firm and have three kids doesn’t mean it’s impossible to look and feel great. Between taking care of my kids and making sure my clients are happy I’m a very busy woman who has little time for herself. After the birth of my third child Hunter I felt like my body was flabby, tired and worthless. I didn’t have energy and I wasn’t taking good care of myself.
Tags: Labrada, Rockin Roll Bar
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Steel Bar, ABB
Monday, October 19th, 2009Only the best products survive over time, especially in the supplement industry. If a product does not deliver tangible results it is not going to make it. One of the longest standing protein bars is the ABB Steel Bar. It’s one of the best protein bars on the market because of its superior ingredients and taste. I eat them all the time and they help me look and feel my best. What I love about the ABB Steel Bar is that they keep me on track with my diet. I really like to eat and the worst thing that can happen to me is for hunger to strike while I am not prepared. Too many times has that happened and I find myself enjoying a huge burger, fries, and Coke at a drive thru.
Tags: ABB, Steel Bar
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Ultramet Bar, Champion
Saturday, October 17th, 2009The life of a travelling pitch man is a hard one. We’re on the road constantly travelling to conferences, fairs, and conventions pitching our products. The lifestyle is fast paced and brutal. Good nutrition is usually not at the forefront of our minds and we usually end up eating whatever is fast and tastes good. I’ve been on the road doing this for a living for the past 9 years and all the fair food has caught up with me.
Tags: Champion, Ultramet Bar
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Zero Impact 2, VPX
Sunday, October 11th, 2009There are regular protein bars and then there are VPX Zero Impact bars. The competition tries to claim that their bars can be used as a meal replacement but they’re nothing more than a glorified snack. Team VPX decided to make a bar that can truly replace a meal. The VPX Zero Impact bar has enough calories, protein, vitamins and nutrients that fuel my body and keep me feeling full until my next meal. It also has virtually no impact on insulin and sugar levels so I can also enjoy it even though I’m on a low carb diet
Tags: VPX, Zero Impact
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Muscle Sandwich Review
Saturday, August 29th, 2009I have always been a fan of eating good food. So once I decided to switch to a healthier lifestyle of eating right and getting proper exercise I’ve been on the lookout for tasty treats that will help me keep my sanity and not give in to the temptation of unhealthy foods. I’ve probably tried virtually every protein bar on the market and could write a book on each of them. Some of them were pretty good and some of them I almost got sick to my stomach by just opening up the wrapper. I came across this unique bar called the Muscle Sandwich by Costas Foods. I do like having muscles and boy do I love a good sandwich so I bought one to try it out. I checked over the ingredients and found that it had 290 calories. That is a good amount because I exercise pretty hard in the gym and need to keep up my calories to maintain my strength. It also had 16 grams of fat, which is pretty low but is enough to give it a great taste. Muscle Sandwich also lived up to its name by offering 13 grams of muscle building protein.
Tags: Costas, Muscle Sandwich
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Lean Body Gold Bar Review
Wednesday, August 26th, 2009I have been eating the Lean Body Gold Bar from Labrada for awhile now, and must admit that the taste is sensational. The bars are triple layered and add to the unique flavor. The Caramel Cookie Twist and Caramel Peanut are like eating a candy bar without all of the sugar, fat, and carbohydrates. These are great protein bars with 30 grams of Lean Pro protein in each bar!
Tags: Labrada, Lean Body Gold Bar
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