American Whey protein is another protein that falls into the “necessary evil” category. Being an athlete, Muscle Milk had been my preferential poison for a long time, but as I’m getting older, I’ve noticed my body doesn’t exactly respond as well to the high fat content during the off season. I tend to work a lot more and am nowhere near as active when I’m in my postseason recovery, and taking muscle milk just as a protein supplement started putting on some unwanted weight. So, for the meantime, I decided to look for something a little leaner to hold me off until my training starts again.
American Whey looked pretty good, being 0 lactose like Muscle Milk, and it had a few grams of carbs but still low in sugar. I decided to give it a whirl, and its pretty much what you’d expect from a lean protein: chalky after taste when mixed in water. Yet it gives me the protein I’m looking for, American Whey protein fits the bill for what I need right now.
Tags: american whey protein